

Free State Agriculture (FSA) is every member who chooses to become involved in his local agricultural community by joining an active agricultural association.

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Free State Agriculture contributes to aerial spraying of locusts in the Northern Cape

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A donation of R50 000 was approved by Free State Agriculture to the Agri SA Disaster Relief Foundation. “It is with great gratitude and appreciation to our neighbouring province for their hard work to destroy the locusts before they can have a chance to fly over to the Free State,” says Francois Wilken, President of Free State Agriculture.

Agri SA has sent out a call for funding for the urgent aerial spraying of locusts in the Northern Cape, where locust officers on the ground were overwhelmed by massive swarms hatching.

Following an urgent request by organized agriculture for air spray support, the government was not geared to execute an emergency plan quickly and had to start a tender process first. “We could not stand and wait for the state,” says Wilken, “and therefore the FSA Executive Committee approved to contribute R50 000 from our disaster fund to avoid the immediate crisis.”

Free State Agriculture thanks all supporters who contributed to our disaster fund that made this necessary action possible. “Until the first frost occurs in mid-April, locusts will still be able to hatch with the current favourable weather conditions “warns Wilken,” so the crisis is still far from over. ”