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Farmers Have Little to Celebrate in Transport month

Dilapidated bridge at Aberfeldy (Free State)
Dilapidated bridge at Aberfeldy (Free State)

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Free State Agriculture (FSA) acknowledges the progress made by SANRAL in taking over key national routes within the province. However, there is significant concern over the ongoing issues related to the repair of rural roads infrastructure, which are vital for farmers and workers conducting daily business.

FSA is alarmed by the Department of Community Safety, Roads and Transport’s continued appointment of substandard contractors, despite previous warnings regarding their incompetence. The lack of transparent and effectively managed plans to address damaged infrastructure is troubling. There are instances where tender documents are withdrawn after being issued, leading to unnecessary delays and complications in the procurement process.

For instance, FSA highlighted the critical condition of Bridge 15 on the S59 near Aberfeldy in May 2023. This bridge is essential for transporting grains to silos. Although the provincial roads department was notified, action only commenced after a written demand for an action plan. Despite a project plan being submitted on August 10, 2023, and tenders issued, over a year has passed with no further developments.

Additionally, ongoing litigation against incompetent contractors has stalled progress on vital routes such as the Steynsrus-Kroonstad and Heilbron-Deneysville roads, raising concerns that the same may occur with the Tweespruit-Excelsior Road. FSA has warned the Department regarding contractor choices based on feedback from local farmers. Despite these warnings, issues with workmanship led to the removal of a contractor and the appointment of a new one, whose announcement was met with local resistance.

In the interim, Free State farmers have been compelled to pay for essential road maintenance, such as grading gravel roads and addressing potholes, due to the Department’s failure to employ sufficient operational staff. Instead, the focus remains on maintaining an excessive upper management structure.

Reports suggest that the Department’s procurement practices may be influenced by corruption and political capture. FSA condemns the trend of nepotism in awarding contracts and criticizes the mandatory requirement for 30% local appointments under the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), which seems to be exploited for political gain. This has enabled the so-called “construction mafia” to disrupt legitimate projects.

Such practices have regrettably compromised the quality of infrastructure development and maintenance within the province. FSA has long been critical of the Contractor Development Programme (CDP) and advocates for the engagement of independent, qualified consulting engineers, whose expertise has historically yielded positive outcomes.

Without safe and accessible roads, farmers face challenges in maintaining profitability, directly impacting food security and the overall economic growth potential of the Free State and the nation.

On behalf of its farmer members, Free State Agriculture urgently calls for intervention to address the alleged corrupt and incompetent practices within the Department of Community Safety, Roads and Transport, as well as the provincial government at large. The organization demands qualified, independent, and market-oriented solutions to the ongoing infrastructure challenges, with immediate action required.