I hereby support Free State Agriculture’s disaster fund campaign to make rural areas more resilient and to provide disaster relief as soon as possible.
South Africa’s rural areas are seriously threatened by an exceptionally large locust pest. This disaster will have a major impact on food production and could also paralyse the economy in the affected areas. Therefore, the necessary prevention measures should be taken before the eggs hatch again.
We need to assist these communities. That is why Free State Agriculture has established a disaster fund. The Free State Agriculture Disaster Fund ensures that aid and the necessary precautionary training and equipment gets out quickly and directly where it is most needed.
You can help Free State Agriculture to get these farmers back on their feet.
Complete the form below to donate and Free State Agriculture will contact you.
1 . Opleiding: Opleiding aan en ondersteuning van rampbestuursverteenwoordigers by eke landbouvereniging.
2. Voorkoming: Bedinging by plaaslike regering en staatsdepartemente om te verseker dat die staat sy plig nakom in terme van rampvoorkoming en in die skryf en opstel van rampplanne wat elke munisipaliteit in plek behoort te hê.
3. Mobilisering: Versekering dat rampverteenwoordigers die nodige toerusting het om rampe effektief te voorkom, en om tydens rampe effektief te kan kommunikeer en die regte strukture vinnig te kan ontplooi.
4. Noodassessering: Spoedige goedkeuring van die nodige fondse om rampbehoeftebepalings volgens die bepalings van VL se beleid oor natuurlike rampe te doen (skakel na lededokumente).
5. Koördinering van hulpverlening: Om skenkings verantwoordelik te kanaliseer en te bestuur sodat fondse spoedig beskikbaar gestel kan word.
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