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Free State Agriculture (FSA) and the Red Meat Producers Organization (RPO) would like to thank the South African Police Service (SAPS) in the Free State. This follows after 6 people were arrested in the Fouriesburg area on Saturday, October 2, 2021. The offenders were brought before the court on Monday, October 4, 2021, because their livestock removal permits in the transportation of livestock were not completed correctly.
The arrest took place during a joint operation by Visible Policing, the Stock Theft Unit in Fouriesburg, the Department of Home Affairs and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
According to Isabel Kruger of the Stock Theft Prevention Forum of the RPO in the Free State, this is the first action of its kind where the SAPS made direct arrests on Section 8 of the Stock Theft Act, which led to convictions in court. The offenders were fined and will receive a criminal record.
Jakkals le Roux, chairman of FSA’s Rural Safety Committee, would like to thank the police, NPA and the Department of Justice for the speedy manner in which offenders were brought before the court and sentenced. It has proven that the Criminal Justice System can respond very quickly with arrests and subsequent sentencing, which further indicates that actual actions by the police lead to positive results.
Dr Jane Buys, Safety Risk Analyst at FSA, is of the opinion that the action by the Police and sentencing in court will send a strong message to any prospective offenders who do not comply with the Stock Theft Act regarding the possession and transport of livestock on public roads.
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