I hereby wish to submit my opposition to the Unlawful Entry on Premises Bill and support Free State Agriculture’s submission and efforts to stop the Bill.
The new Unlawful Entry on Premises Bill will allow any person to enter your home, business or farm without your permission.
I hereby wish to submit my opposition to the Unlawful Entry on Premises Bill and support Free State Agriculture’s submission and efforts to stop the Bill.
Consider the following scenarios:
The Unlawful Entry Bill will allow any person access to your property without your permission. It implies that a trespasser only needs to claim a legitimate purpose of entering your premises. This raises the risk that once a trespasser gains access to your property, they could squat, invade or commit a crime.
On the authority of this Bill trespassing may only be stopped if a clear and legible board with signage on your property states that trespassers are not allowed.
According to this Bill certain members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) will be trained as an authorised officer to deal with intrusion on private property issues. This will allow them to apply their discretion when contacted to remove these intruders.
We have to fight this Bill because it will:
The safety of all individuals, families and employees is of critical importance, not only for the agricultural sector, but also for the entire country. The only way to stop the new Unlawful Entry on Premises Bill is for citizens to speak out against it.
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